20 December 2010


This is for the girls who cried when their hearts broke, who staggered underneath the weight of Stygian darkness, who stood firm even when their heads told them to flee..who remembered long dead winters of being abandoned and left to weep fresh tears of blood..

This is for the girls who prayed for love,only to have it yanked forcefully away from them in demonic spurts of  strength..who flinched back from the gales of gigantic laughter, gnashing their teeth and shrieking to the ethers for blissful relief..

This is for the girl who cries in her head everytime she thinks of that long road of unabashed loneliness..that stretches out in front of her for miles as she staggers footsore and broken, into a myriad of mosaic molecules shining brightly in her exquisite pain..

This is for the girl who never deserved to be hurt as many times as she did, who shudders in the dark when she thinks of all that was lost, who wanders in confusion, scared to speak because she never wanted to look desperate, or not know what to say, and with all that clouding her mind, walks away because she's tired of having to hold her tongue..

(to be continued)

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