15 August 2013

Homicidal Thoughts and Sadness Pt. 2

So..to continue from last night...my brother in law basically is trying to rob my mother, who is 80 years old blind. He took over management of our old house in South Philadelphia and hasn't paid the taxes on the property in three years. He collects rents from the house and gives her nothing. He then tried to put HIS daughter on MY mother's insurance policy..I am totally going to sue him for this. I mean really, who does that? And you call yourself a Christian man? This is EXACTLY why I steer clear of them.

Basically he's a crook. I am going to the Senior Law Center TODAY to get legal assistance. This is financial exploitation. My mother isn't going blameless though. As soon as she found out that he was trying to rip her off, she should have gotten legal help. Now I am the one who has to do that for her. Me, the black sheep of the family who would never amount to a thing. The case is, I am the youngest but my older siblings don't give a shit about her. Not one solitary shit.

So now that has been added to my plate. I was so angry yesterday that I was in tears. My first thought was to rip his urethra out through his left nostril. My daughter literally had to walk me around the block and tell me that I have to calm down and think practically. Then she made me go to the gym and work out. It's like, why do you have to go through life being such a leech? That house, I grew up in. My kids grew up there..and I am going to lose it because of a lying, cretinous asshole who doesn't care about anything but himself? I think not. There some things that are going to happen. Believe me.

I promised that I would write more in order to sort my thoughts out. My sister text me last night to remind me..and here we are.

Anyway, that's it for now. Let's see..who is my hot man of the day going to be? Oh.. J. the bassist of the band LUNA-SEA.

また後で。(See you later.)

14 August 2013

Homicidal thoughts and sadness

This is going to be a short post because I'm doing this on my iPad. I'm trying not to seethe too much because of my anger issues...okay so...

My brother in law is trying to rip my mother off. He's trying to rob her blind but I am not having any of it..I'm just getting started. He has no idea of what he's done.  I wanted to kill him first off. I'll detail it more in another post. What with all of the trouble I've been going through...this tore the lid off.

I went to the gym in order to work off some of the built up steam...but I found myself still grinding my teeth.

I also found out my vamp mother may have passed away..I feel so wretchedly melancholic right now. I'm going to read and try to get my mind right.

おやすみなさい。(good night)

03 August 2013


Skies are grey today. Thinking about food. Food..good food. I don't really know what I want to eat because I am always counting calories. I went walking last night and did 7 miles..so basically I burned things off. I really want crab cakes though.

I find myself really counting these calories because I know that I can be a bit free with them..and knowing how much I work out can be a bit of an imbalance. I'm wondering what to eat like there's a food shortage in this town!

Yeah, I tend to ramble when I'm hungry.

02 August 2013


Okay so, nothing major to report. I have been looking into a rhinoplasty surgeon and I think I found the one I am happy with. He's in New Jersey and does the actual procedure in NYC. I don't think I am going to get the procedure done until 2015 though. I found him and I like his work. I am also going to follow up with the plastic surgeon in Mexico.

Wait.. I haven't even talked about any of this.

Well, I have decided that I want to get rhinoplasty because I think I will look better with it. I have had people telling me not to do it and so on, but you know us Taurean folk. Head strong and stubborn. I want a different nose that will make me feel better and look better. That coupled with the extensive other surgeries I am getting..this lady is getting a major overhaul. I feel that it's time for me to take charge and fix the things I don't like. I work out and eat right, but I still have some bits that need altering. I want to be in a place where I am happy and confident and I feel that doing this is going to help me. I think that maybe deep down inside, I have always wanted to do this and now I've finally gotten the courage to do so.

I  have a bit of preparation to start on, but I AM going to get there.